Sedgwick Corporate Headquarters - Feasibility Study

The new Headquarters is designed to enhance the company’s core values.

Core Values:

• deliver excellence

• operate openly and with integrity

• embrace change

• grow as individuals

• operate as one company, one team

Design based on Core Values: The new space will enhance the company’s ability to operate as one company, one team. Bold design elements will establish a cohesive image, while maintaining clear depart-mental and functional distinction. Large zones of workstations are broken into appropriately sized villages and communities. Company brand and values, mission and vision will become clearer as a result. Providing spaces that not only recognize, but celebrate individual diversity & the potential for group collaboration will empower Colleagues to grow as individuals. The new space will help embrace change by promoting motion, movement along the walking path. Diversity of working spaces will celebrate each colleague’s preference and need. The space will help colleagues operate openly & with integrity by placing key amenities and common spaces at the center, promoting equal accessibility, communication and rules of engagement. Communication and collaborative spaces are used strategically to break down barriers, while maintaining focus in an open office plan, helping continue to deliver excellence.
